• Last Updated: June 4, 2024, at 3:00 PM

    Prom: Students will not be allowed to attend prom if they owe make-up hours.  If your date does not attend Boswell, an Out of School Date Form must be completed and submitted 2 weeks prior to the event. 

    Prom will be on Saturday, April 19, 2025, at Texas Motor Speedway.  

    7:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.  Attendees must arrive by 8:00 PM to gain entry. 

    Theme: TBD

    Dress Code:  

    If a dress is worn, the following guidelines are as follows:

    • No slits (front, back or side) higher than the finger-tip length in a standing position. 
    • Two-piece dresses are acceptable. However, there should be no more than 1 inch of skin between the top and the bottom part of the dress. Cut-outs must be backed with mesh. 
    • If there is any doubt concerning the appropriateness of the dress, please contact Mrs. White.

    If a suit or tuxedo is worn, the following guidelines are as follows:

    • Boots are permitted with slacks, but jeans are not to be worn. 
    • Non-formal headwear (baseball caps, doo-rags, bandannas, etc.) will not be permitted.

    Tickets go on sale: TBD

    Ticket Price: TBD